Inspired by the astounding leaps in material sciences and the ever growing interest in exploration beyond our previous limits, Wicker has set out to provide cutting edge equipment and apparel to those who wish to push their boundaries and make leaps of their own.

Wickers logo was designed with classical decorative tapestry art in mind as a way of representing our pursuit and interest in new fibers and weaves created by new breakthroughs in material sciences and engineering. The actual pattern created is a gestural representation of the sun cresting a mountain which we have chosen as the symbol of our pursuit of these new horizons and adventures.
The Featured / Home page for Wicker is intended to present Wickers newest products and quick access to more information about Wicker and our pursuits in creating ever improved gear and clothing for our members. The Website design has been developed to give visitors clear information and visuals for every product available to them as well as to make the purchase of said products swift and effortless.
Mobile Site
Color Palette and Type Face
Sponsored Event
Mall and Store Signage
Wicker products are sold within Wicker stores or may offer select items in affiliate locations for promotional events. Represented above are examples of exterior store signage as well as stationary advertisements within a mall complex which promote the brand and direct prospective customers to the store location.
Wicker also provides shipping services for all items in stock where shipping is available. While package size and style may vary, ever box remains in-brand and not only contains the product purchased, but an instructional and informative pamphlet to assist in proper care and usage of the product purchased.
Wickers Twitter is dedicated to two key points for forwarding brand awareness. Spreading personal stories associated with the brand fellow Wicker Crew members as well as to provide advice and guides for hiking trips such as meal prep or proper equipment for various scenarios. The reason Twitter has been selected as Wickers main venue of communication on social media is due to the ability for crew members to be able to take spontaneous shots of themselves putting their gear to the test and sharing with easily with the rest of the community in a more laid-back environment.