DropBox Album

DropBox Album is a brand extension to DropBox created in cooperation between myself and Kathleen Moneyhon. Album, specifically, is intended to reach into the market of image editing, storage, and organization in order for DropBox to further its selling point as a platform where you can safely and effectively store all of your data.

Although all elements of the brand were mutually discussed and agreed upon, Kathleen Moneyhon was responsible for the implementation of the desktop version of the application, the logo, and the icon set. My responsibilities concerning this project lay with the mobile version of the application, the Instagram campaign concept, and the conceptualization of photo API system.

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The Brand

Mission Statement

DropBox Album seeks to provide a customizable image hosting service to organize all your images in a simple and efficient manner without sacrificing your security.

Unique Selling Point

The only service that provides extensive, customizable, and intuitive organization of all your images.


“However you like”


Brand Elements


Mobile App

The overarching concept for Album was to be able to reduce the glut of images we store loosely within various locations and to create a system that can flex and work with your style of organization in order to more carefully preserve important imagery and reduce the time it takes to locate what you are looking for.

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The onboarding process involves a series of steps that ask the user whether or not they would like to enable or disable automated features for the sake of security. Even after the onboarding process, you can still change these settings in your profile page.

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The tagging system allows for in-depth customization for what to call your tags and how you wish to view and sort them in the future. Images and the tags they are associated with can be changed by selecting an image and editing it or finding the tag within the tag management menu and altering tag details.

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When importing images from other storage locations, users may elect to add the images straight into an album and tag them as they do so.


The DropBox Album camera plugin may be accessed via your phones native camera application or through the camera icon at the bottom left of the DropBox Album app main page.


Desktop App

The desktop version of DropBox Album is an adaptation of the mobile without the camera plugin and more emphasis on editing your images.

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Inspired by Lightroom UI and functionality, the editing features of Dropbox Album consist of basic tools to enhance the image using a variety of sliders for ease of use.


Instagram Campaign

The Purpose of the Instagram campaign is to generate awareness of the disarray we leave our images in when we fail to have a system dedicated to managing them all. The advertisement further shows a step by step summary of the primary tagging system that sets DropBox Album apart from its competitors which allows you to avoid the aforementioned disarray.
